
How To Stop A Windows Service Stuck In Stopping

Every infracture admin need to know the steps to force end or kill windows service stuck at stopping past pid using taskkill or powershell. Call up about a situation, you are trying to stop a windows service but its stuck at stopping status. Means service stopping hung and not responding. In this example we need to force kill windows service either by using taskkill in command line (cmd) or by powershell. Follow the step by step commands to apply in cmd for force end service windows server.

Run command prompt as an administrator and type taskkill help command as below. That will display parameter list like /S, /U, /P, /FI, /PID, /IM, /T, /F, /? and why these are used. Yous volition notice these parameters in the commands below.

kill windows service command line

          taskkill /?        
kill windows service using taskkill windows command line
kill windows service using taskkill windows command line
kill process id using taskkill windows command line
kill process id using taskkill windows command line

First stride is to identify the "Service name" of windows service stuck at stopping. Let's say windows update service stuck at stopping, so right click on the service and click on properties will testify y'all the service proper noun "wuauserv". Alterenatively, you can run powershell control "Go-Service" to get windows service details. Run the below control in command prompt to get the PID of service.

          sc queryex <service name> sc queryex wuauserv        
windows service properties service  name
windows service properties service name
sc queryex wuauserv
sc queryex wuauserv

You tin can cheque the PID in "Task director" nether the the tab "Services".

PID in Task manager
PID in Task managing director

Next step is to kill windows service PID running below cmd in command prompt.

          taskkill /f /pid [PID] taskkill /f /pid 996        
taskkill /f /pid
taskkill /f /pid

Yous will observe the service is stopped later applying the command above. You can disable the serivce else utilize the state equally per your requirement.

windows update service stopped how to disable
windows update service stopped how to disable

You can kill processes from command prompt without knowing the PID by running the below control.

          taskkill /F /FI "SERVICES eq wuauserv"        
" information-image-caption="

taskkill /F /FI "SERVICES eq wuauserv"

" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" loading="lazy" width="662" height="100" src="" alt="taskkill /F /FI "SERVICES eq wuauserv"" class="wp-image-14043" srcset=" 662w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 662px) 100vw, 662px" data-recalc-dims="1" data-lazy-srcset=" 662w, 300w, 150w" data-lazy-src=";ssl=1" data-old-srcset="">
taskkill /F /FI "SERVICES eq wuauserv"

You tin can force stop a service running with particular user id using below cmd.

          taskkill /F /FI "USERNAME eq Deviprasad"        

cmd to chore kill all windows services non respnding running as below.

          taskkill /F /FI "status eq not responding"        

You can kill services consuming more then a limit of retentivity usage following the command below.

          taskkill /FI "memusage gt value" taskkill /FI "memusage gt 220600"        
kill pid memusage gt
kill pid memusage gt
kill service memusage gt
kill service memusage gt

Run the cmd as below to become list of tasks running in server.


nosotros can run the below cmd to kill task running in the server.

          taskkill /F /IM taskmgr.exe        
taskkill /F /IM taskmgr.exe
taskkill /F /IM taskmgr.exe

Terminate task using powershell

We tin can employ below powershell commands to impale windows service.

          Stop-Process -ID ProcessID - Force Cease-Process -ID 6196 - Force        
          Cease-Process -Name ProcessName -Forcefulness Stop-Process -Proper noun iexplorer -Force        
kill service or pid usinf powershell
kill service or pid usinf powershell

powershell command to strength kill services not responding.

          Become-WmiObject -Grade win32_service | Where-Object {$_.state -eq 'stop pending'}        

Watch the video to get details step past step for better understanding.

Categories: administration, SharePoint 2019, sharepoint services, Task, windows service, Work Procedure

Tags: stop task, force kill service windows, kill /f /im chrome.exe, kill pid, kill process, kill procedure windows, kill windows service, kill windows service by name, kill windows service past pid, impale windows service command line, kill windows service powershell, impale windows service process, kill windows service using pid, impale windows update service, service stopping hung, service stuck at stopping, task impale, task list, taskkill, taskkill /f /im, taskkill /f /pid, taskkill /im /f chrome.exe, taskkill command, taskkill command in cmd, taskkill help command, taskkill/im winword.exe, taskkill/im winword.exe/f, tasklist, windows kill service pid


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